By Sadiq Aminu The National Examinations Council NECO has released the twenty twenty four Senior School Certificate Examination SSCE Internal results with eight hundred and twenty eight thousand two hundred and eighty two candidates scoring five credits and above including English and Mathematics.
The figure represent sixty point five five percent.
NECO Registrar and Chief Executive Professor Dantani Ibrahim Wushishi announced this while addressing Newsmen in Minna, Niger state to release the results to the public.
Prof Dantani Ibrahim Wushishi further said over one million one hundred and fourty seven thousand candidates have scored five credits and above irrespective of English language and Mathematics representing eighty three point nine zero percent.
According to him a total of eight thousand four hundred and thirty seven candidates were involved in various examination mal practices which he said shows a reduction of thirty point zero percent compared to that of last year due number of strategies put in place by NECO in recent years.
Prof Dantani Ibrahim Wushishi explained that during the conduct of twenty twenty four Senior School Certificate Examination SSCE fourty schools were found to have been involved in whole school mass cheating in seventeen states of Nigeria and will be invited to the Council for discussion.
He however said one school in Ekiti state was recommended for de- recognition for mass cheating in two core subjects and a science subject.
Prof Dantani Ibrahim Wushishi further said twenty one supervisors were recommended for blacklisting due to poor supervision.aiding and abetting, abscondment, extortion, drunkenness and negligence in twelve states of Nigeria.
While expressing his deepest appreciation to President Bola Ahmed Tinubu and the Minister of Education Prof Tahir Mamman and other persons too numerous to mentioned for their unwavering support, the NECO Registrar and Chief Executive added that a total of one million three hundred and seventy six thousand four hundred and twenty three candidates registered for the examination.